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Our Core java and advanced java training consist of all basic to superior level fundamentals. A entire combination of middle and improve java technology typically followed to become java master. know-how in center and online java training in Kolkata will give you the blessings and ok expertise to develop software and their implementation in IT technologies.
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Corporate Training

Our Trainings
Java Training Course Modules
- Introduction To Java And OOPS
- Java Tokens- Comments, Identifiers, Keywords, Separator
- Working With Java Editor Softwares – Editplus, NetBeans, Eclipse
- Packages With Static Imports
- Working With Jar.
- Modifiers – File Level, Access Level And Non-Access Level.
- Datatypes, Literals, Variables, Type Conversion, Casting & Promotion
- Reading Runtime Values From Keyboard And Properties File
- Operators And Control Statements
- Method And Types Of Methods
- Variable And Types Of Variables
- Constructor And Types Of Constructors
- List ItemBlock And Types Of Blocks
- Declarations, Invocations And Executions
- Compiler & JVM Architecture With Reflection API
- Static Members And Their Execution Control Flow
- Non-Static Members And Their Execution Control Flow
- Final Variables And Their Rules.
- Classes And Types Of Classes.
- Oops –Fundamentals, Models, Relations And Principles.
- Coupling And Cohesion (MVC And LCRP Architectures)
- Types Of Objects & Garbage Collection.
- Arrays And Var-Arg Types
- Enum And Annotation
- Design Patterns
- API & API Documentation
- Fundamental Classes – Object, Class, System, Runtime
- String Handling
- Exception Handling And Assertions
- Multithreading With JVM Architecture
- Overview Of Updated New Features
- IO Streams (File IO)
- Networking (Socket Programming)
- Wrapper Classes With Auto Boxing & Unboxing
- Collections With Generics
- Java 5, 6, 7, 8 New Features
- Inner Classes
- AWT, Swings, Applet
- Regular Expressions
- Formatting Date, Time (Java.Text Package)
- Introduction To JDBC
- JDBC Architecture
- Java.Sql Package
- Connection, Statement, ResultSet
- Prepared Statement
- Callable Statement
- Scrollable And Updatable ResultSet
- Batch Updates
- ResultSetMetaData
- Simple Transaction Management
- Four Levels Of JDBC Drivers, Their Pros & Cons
- Features Of JDBC 3.0/4.0
- Need Of Server Side Programming
- Introduction To Servlets
- Servlet Life Cycle
- Javax.Servlet Package
- ServletConfig, ServletContext, ServletResponse
- Supplying Initialization Parameters To Servlets
- Performing Database Operations In Servlets
- Include And Forward Mechanisms
- Applying Filters To Servlets
- Javax.Servlet.Http Package
- HttpServlet Life Cycle
- Http Request Methods GET Vs POST
- HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse
- Dealing With Http Headers & Error Codes
- Session Tracking, Purpose
- Hidden Form Fields, Cookies
- Http Session, URL Rewriting
- Event Listeners
- Web Application Security
- Disadvantages Of Servlets
- Introduction To JSP
- JSP Life Cycle
- Creating Dynamic Web Content With JSP
- Scripting Elements
- Scriptlet
- Declaration
- Expression
- XML Syntax For JSP Elements
- JSP Directives Page, Include And Taglib
- JSP Implicit Objects
- JSP Scopes
- Include And Forward Mechanism
- Using A Java Bean In A JSP
- JSP Model 1 Architecture
- JSP Model 2 (MVC) Architecture
- Custom Tag Development
- Classic Tags, Simple Tags
- Error Handling In A JSP
- Expression Language
- Processing XML In A JSP
- Services/Training Enquiry
Course Videos
Our Training